Monday, 11 November 2013

How to Completely Hide a File or Folder

Sometimes you may want to hide a file or folder from others. There are many software solutions out there for this purpose, but there is no need to give away money just for hiding your data from your little brother or sister. With this method windows explorer search will not detect the file. .

Method 1 of 2: To Hide                                                                  

  1. 1
    Just go to the folder or file from your windows explorer,which you want to hide. When you are in that folder just select the address from the Address Bar .
  2. 2
    Right click on the Address Bar and select Copy .
  3. 3
    Click on the Start Button .
  4. 4
    Click on the Run .
  5. 5
    Type cmd in the text box adjacent to the Open : and click on OKCmd meansCommand Prompt , which can be also accessed by going to Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.

  6. 6
    Type attrib +s +h "XX".Hit the Enter . XX is your file or folder address, which can be done just by right-click and select Paste on that place.

Method 2 of 2: To Show

  1. 1
    Go to the Command Prompt .

  2. 2
    Type attrib -s -h "XX". Hit the EnterXX is your file or folder address.
  3. 3
    If you forgot the name of the file or folder, then don't worry. Just follow these steps to know the file or folder name.
    • Go to the Command Prompt .
    • Type the local drive name like c or d in which you have hidden file or folder followed by : and hit the Enter.
    • Type dir/a and hit Enter.
    • Now you can see your file or folder name from the list.


  • Keep files or folders which you wish to hide in a local drive which has more files, so that no one can suspect that there is a hidden file or folder.
  • This operation has the same affect as selecting the hidden option in file/folder properties but is universally applicable to all previous versions of windows


  • By using this method your file or folder can't be password protected. Anyone can follow this method to see your file.
  • Anyone can see your data if Display of contents of system folder and Show the hidden files are active in Folder Options->View. So turn it off.


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